Friday, August 19, 2011

2013 CSLP Manual Ideas Needed!

2013 Collaborative Summer Library Program
Dig Into Reading—Early Literacy Manual
Call for Ideas by October 15, 2011

Our writers for the 2013 Early Literacy Manual are Kapila Love and Sarah Northshield. Both are experienced (and creative!) children’s librarians who specialize in programs for the very young. Please help them make this a fantastic manual.

Here are the ten working chapter themes that have been suggested for the 2013 Dig Into Reading manual. “Underground” is the broad concept. The writers will choose eight of them based on available materials and ideas.

Gardening (with some focus on root vegetables, if possible)
Big Machines (earth movers, etc.)
Dinosaurs (this could also include fossils)
Dirt/Mud/Getting Dirty
Burrowing Animals (moles, prairie dogs, chipmunks, rabbits, worms, etc. )
Hidden/Buried Treasures (gems, gold, etc.)
Spatial Relationships (up/down, above/below, over/under - this could be things like train/subway, tunnel/bridge, dig down/haul up, etc.)
Holes (what lives in them, burying things in them, circles)
Underground Insects (ants)
The Earth (rocks, mining, volcanoes, etc.)

What do we need?

  • Book titles (books should be in print and please include both the suggested age group and any literacy skills that could be practiced with the title)
  • Program ideas (both story times and other programs), activities, crafts, music, etc.
  • Setting the Scene: If you have suggestions for library decorations, bulletin boards, or props especially targeted to the very young
  • Early Literacy/Family Literacy Ideas—e.g. for reproducible take-home pages (see past children’s manuals for the Family Fun Pages—that’s the idea)
  • Suggestions for underserved groups
  • Bilingual storytime ideas

Send your ideas to:

Patti Sinclair

306 Virginia Terrace

Madison, WI 53726

608 231-2467

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