Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Remind" App Being Used in Marinette

Looking for a way to remind patrons, especially teens about programs?  The free app “Remind” formerly “Remind 101” is available through iTunes could be the answer you are looking for.  A local teacher and I were discussing how busy teens are and how hard it can be to reach them.  She mentioned this app.  It was designed for teachers, but I am trying it out now with patrons.  Specifically, I am going to set up “class lists” for different types of programs: Summer Reading Club, Infant and Toddlers programs, Paws & Tales, and Teens.  Each account can have up to ten classes. 

The texts they receive are “blind” so no phone numbers are divulged, and they cannot text back to the number unless you opt to start a “chat”.  You can text from a computer or iPad rather than your phone so that communications are not coming from your private account.  After a patron signs up for text reminders, they receive a confirmation text that they respond to in order to actually receive the texts.

I am just beginning to use this app, so I cannot give data yet on its effectiveness, but this is a free opportunity to reach out and contact patrons in the way many of them live.  Have you tried this app or a similar one? 

-Lara Lakari
Marinette County Library

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