Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Farewell (But Not Forever!) to Miss Cindy

Gillett's Superstar Librarian Cindy Tuschy is taking some time off to cross things off her bucket list.  Her last day and farewell party was on September 20. We will miss her, but hope to see her back in library land someday! 

1) What do you plan on doing on your "bucket list?" 

CT:  I think some people associate a 'bucket list' with exciting things, like skydiving (which I've done twice), and I don't really have lots of that stuff on my list. I'm not planning to go on any exotic vacations, and I'm running out of extreme sports to try that I feel I can survive.  I'm saving the hot air balloon ride for my when I'm 80.  The only fun things I've got on my 'to try' list so far are log rolling and trapeze classes.
   However, I do have LOTS of hobbies, so I won't ever be bored. And I want to get bees. And take day trips in Wisconsin, visit my mom and relatives in Illinois, and my kids in MN. Do jigsaw puzzles. Go to a Renaissance Fair.  Instead of doing library programs, I'll probably start throwing themed parties for my family and friends.  And if I ever get in shape, that will open up lots of new avenues for me.
   People keep asking what I'm going to do the first day. Maybe my husband will take me fishing!

2) Why was this the right time to leave the library?

 CT: We sold our dairy cows, so for the first time in our married life we are not tied down every single day of the year.  Plus, my husband is 10 years older than me, so I thought of this great idea to take two years of my retirement now, while we can both still kind of walk around. I wanted two years, one year to get through 36 years of crap treasures and do house projects, and one year to just goof off.

3) What will you miss the most? 

  CT: Of course the patrons. How many people have jobs where people bring you food?!  And the kids are so much fun, as we kind of egged each other on to do goofy things.  Each day is a little different, so we're lucky to have jobs that are not boring.

4) How long have you been working there?

 CT:  I was at Gillett for 13 years.  It's been quite the adventure and I'm grateful to Gillett for the opportunity. 

Check out more pictures from Cindy's Farewell Party ! 



Karen Kortbein said...

What will the SRP Workshop be without Cindy?! Best of luck to you and your family, Cindy! See you at the NEW Concert Band concerts!

Karen Kortbein said...

What will the SRP Workshop be without Cindy?! Best of luck to you and your family, Cindy! See you at the NEW Concert Band concerts!

Jamie said...

We can still invite her back!!