Thursday, November 12, 2009

Karla's Reviews

Funny How Things Change
by Melissa Wyatt

Remy loves a girl - and a mountain. And when his girl plans to go off to college and wants Remy to come with her, he has to choose. Then a new girl comes to the mountain, causing Remy to look at things in a new way and forcing him to re-evaluate his decisions, figure out his dreams, and decide what is really important in his life. A quiet book with interesting characters and a fresh take on the leaving home/growing up theme.

Something, Maybe
By Eliz
abeth Scott
Hannah is a master at laying low. If it weren't for her parents, she'd get along just fine. Hannah's not-in-the-picture dad is an aging lothario who makes his living off his sensational lifestyle filled with young girlfriends and tv exposure. Hannah's mom, an ex-girlfriend, makes her living from posing in her underwear for online interviews on her website. Hannah wants to get Josh to notice her, but not because of her parents. She is so busy trying to get Josh to like her, she almost misses the boy who really does - like her - for who she is, not who her parents are.

~ Karla Giraldéz, BCL-Southwest

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