Thursday, October 1, 2009

Swine Flu Reminder

As school starts, health professionals are closely monitoring incidents of swine flu. John DeBacher has put swine flu information on the DLTCL web page.

In general, DLTCL recommends that public libraries consult their local health departments and school districts to make decisions about things like suspending story times or activities for school groups, and for precautions to take for sanitizing materials. Now might be a good time for public libraries to contact their local school nurses and ask to be included on any swine flu updates that go out to the school district. This might help public librarians make decisions if an outbreak affects their local community. DLTCL staff will monitor information about the situation and alert librarians if we have information that would help them.

If the library does have in-house toys for use by toddlers or checks out toys, now would be a good time to review the sanitation procedures used or to put in place a routine sanitation process if the library doesn't already have one. This might also include the table tops and chairs in the children's department, wheeled carts, safety gates, etc. I've noticed that many schools have handi-wipes and hand sanitizer liquid available at the children's service desk. These might be simple but handy additions to the children's area. A box of tissues for the public might also be helpful.

(As a side note, the CDC website recommends washing hands with soap and water for at least 15-20 seconds as often as possible, if this option is available. If it's not, using alcohol-based hand rubs is the next best option. - JM)

Systems Youth Services Liaison Posting, Barbara Huntington, DLTCL, September 2009

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