Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Creative Sandwich" Contest at Kewaunee

Our final event of the summer was a "Creative Sandwich" Contest.

The rules were that everything in the sandwich had to be edible, the child had to make the sandwich (parents could "help"), and they had to have it to the library by 1:00 on August 5th.

We had 3 local judges - the Kewaunee County Sheriff, a local restaurant owner, and a woman from the school cafeteria. We had 60 people show up with 29 sandwiches (no duplicates appeared!) The kids mulled about the library and did a hidden pictures sheet titled "The Sandwich" while the judges debated for 8 categories of: Most Unusual, Smallest, Biggest, Gross, Most Colorful, Best Non-lunch, Healthiest, & Most Creative.

Small trophies were given for these categories. The top "prize" was the Judges Choice/Feature Sandwich which will be featured at the local restaurant owner's place as one of their specials (date to be determined yet). It was a lot of fun, the sandwiches were great and since the kids had to list a title and the ingredients, I'm going to put together a recipe booklet with all of the entries.

- Bonnie Joski, Kewaunee

1 comment:

Karla Giraldéz - BCL SW said...

Very Cool idea! Great way to pull in the community!