Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Zoomobile Program

I'm working on promotional materials for the Zoomobile program, including posters and press releases. I'm hoping to get those out in the next two weeks.

If you were not at the SRP meeting and did not receive a copy of the sheet that Brad handed out, please let me know and I will send you one. If you have one, please make sure you read over the items very soon.

Note that he needs *two tables for presenting, a close parking space and the room must not have had any animals in it for 30 DAYS before he visits. I asked Brad about this and he said it has to do with diseases. Fish is the only thing that would be "ok," but anything else must be removed, included hamsters, gerbils, etc. Please start to plan accordingly if this affects your library.

He will be bringing hand sanitizer for the kids who want to pet the animals.

Plan on the following for each visit. :
Prep time: 15 minutes
Performance time: 45 minutes
Pick up time: 15 minutes

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