Wednesday, July 29, 2015

LSTA Guidelines for 2016

The 2016 LSTA Information and Guidelines document is now available online.  What might this mean for you?

LSTA grants are available to Wisconsin public libraries and systems for one-year projects in specific categories.  Your library system might apply for a grant on behalf of multiple libraries in your system, two or more libraries might apply for a grant that benefits both libraries, or a multiple systems might apply for a joint project.  Libraries and/or systems can apply to do projects independently or collaboratively, although one institution must serve as the grant administrator/fiscal agent.

Grant categories that might especially interest youth services staff include Digital Creations, Literacy, and Accessibility.  The Digital Creations category encourages creative projects related to the maker movement.  Literacy projects are designed to expand literacy opportunities for a specific population, such as adolescent literacy for at-risk teens or financial literacy for all ages. The accessibility category is intended to help libraries and communities look at who might have difficult, limited, or minimized use of the library, such as families with limited transportation options  or English Language Learners.

Lastly, the LSTA calendar has been amended from previous years.  Projects will be scheduled to run from April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017.  The online application will open later this month.  See below for more details, including an upcoming informational webinar.

Please be in touch if I can offer any assistance.

Thank you for your consideration,

Tessa Michaelson Schmidt

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

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