Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lots 'o Stuff

I've been sending a lot of "stuff" your way the past month. For those of you who requested it, you should've received:

- Culver's posters, coupons and coloring sheets
- SRP incentive coupons for the Outagamie Historical Society
- SRP incentive coupons for A-MAZE-ment Park

The County Fair coupons should be here in early May, and we'll get that out to you as soon as it's here.

Invites for the CCBC presentation will be going out soon (May 25th, 1-4 pm @ NFLS), but you are welcome to register NOW. Hollis Rudiger will be joining us again this year, along with Megan Schliesman.

Please also let us know if you are interested in meeting beforehand at 12 pm for a "SRP Swap brown bag" lunch. So far only one or two of you have expressed an interest. It might give you some last-minute ideas or an opportunity to wish each other well before the summer madness hits!

Jim Lenz Publicity Materials

I'm working on publicity materials for Jim Lenz's "Magic of Reading" program, including flyers, a press release and PSA. The press release and PSA will be online so you can easily insert your library's information. I am hoping to get that all to you by the first week of May.

Every library will receive 2-3 posters. I will also post it online if you want to print more. Every poster will have the specific library, date and time.

In past years, libraries have had to pay the entertainer their $25 portion on the day of the performance. Last summer we had some problems with this, so this year the libraries will pay NFLS and we will send him monthly increments. I already spoke to Jim about this, and it is fine with him. This way, you won't have to worry about paying him the day he is at your library. I'll have more details on this later.

2009 Theme Revealed

Barb Huntington recently informed us that the 2009 Children's summer reading program theme is: "Be Creative @ Your Library" The Teen Theme is: "Express Yourself @ the Library"

The general concept for 2010 will be: WATER

For those of you not aware of 2008, the children's theme next year will be "Catch the Reading Bug @ Your Library," and the teen theme will be "Metamorphosis @ Your Library."