Friday, March 2, 2012

Book Reviews

The Story of Us
By Jay Asher, Carolyn Mackler
What would you change if you knew what would happen in your future?  That's the question Emma and Josh have to face when Emma loads AOL onto her computer for the first time and finds an amazing site called Facebook - a site that won't be invented for another 15 years and shows what their lives will be like at age 31. Josh's future looks like he has it all, but Emma's future self isn't happy.  The foreknowledge shapes their choices and their relationship with each other.  This book really made me think about my own life choices.  Very cool premise.

Back of the Bus
by Aaron Reynolds
A re-telling of the Rosa Parks story from the eyes of a small boy who doesn't understand what is going on but knows that it is something big.  The boy plays with a simple marble on the bus - a "brown tiger's eye" that "hunkers...down deep into [his] pocket.'' The illustrations are soft and luminous.  I love how the author describes the eyes of the boy's mother, saying, "She's got them worked-all-day eyes, but she's got her strong chin on."  Later, he describes the eyes of Rosa Parks as "all fierce like a lightnin' storm...her voice is all soft, but she's got on her strong chin too, just like Mama's." Lovely and lyrical.

- Karla Giraldéz

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