Thursday, June 25, 2009

Karla's Reviews...and Wiki!

In a Blue Room by Jim Averbeck
The story begins, "In a blue room, Alice bounces, wide-awake past bedtime," and I am intrigued because the room is clearly not blue. Alice's mother brings her things that Alice rejects because they are not blue: lilacs and lily whites that "give off a gentle scent," orange tea cooling in a brown cup, "lullaby bells to sing (her) to sleep. When Alice asks for the moon, Mama whispers, "Here it comes," and the magic begins. Lovely read-a-loud, lovely illustrations - a necessary bedtime book in a market of too many bedtime stories.

Mouse Was Mad by Linda Urban
Mouse was mad. He was hopping mad, stomping mad, screaming mad, and rolling-around-on-the-ground mad, but he just couldn't express himself as well as the other animals. Until finally, he found his own way - and then he realized... he wasn't mad anymore! Cute book that all kids will be able to relate to.

- Karla Giraldéz, BCL- East Branch

Karla told me about her wiki on children's books that she has been working on for a few months. She said it's still a work-in progress, but wanted me to let you all know it was available. It's a great example of how a wiki can be used, as well as a good resource of children's materials. Thank you, Karla!!

PS. If anyone else has something like this they would like to share, please let me know!

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