Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hand Outs, Survey and Pins

Thanks to all who took the time to complete the survey on the SRP Planning Workshop for this year! Here are some of the survey results!

1. Overall, the program content was helpful and appropriate for my work needs.
47% said they strongly agree
53% said they agree

2. Name at least two things/ideas you took away from the presenters? What topics were of most importance to you?

1.Will use Mary's ideas for story hour

2.I loved some of her play literacy ideas, having phone books and cookbooks for the children so they see everyday literacy, etc.

3.Names of some great books and a few great craft ideas.

4.will make shakers, pretend fishing licenses for preschoolers. It's nice to get craft/song ideas

5.The dragon and the shaker -- I like the hands-on crafts, because I remember them

6.Dance - any of the fun dances will do

7.I loved the story bag. I also loved the idea of making/buying "forms" for different things -- kids will love those.

8.-Shakers made from toilet paper tubes (didn't know you could staple them closed like that) -usable NOW ideas from "Play Literacy" -use plungers to hold signs

9.The whole concept of working on literacy through play, rather than straight instruction, was really eye opening. Also, lots of great ideas for summer!

10. Zines and globster posters!

3. I enjoyed the workshop being held off-site this year, at the Weidner Center.

85% said Yes

4% said no

9% skipped the question


Also, most of Mary's hand outs, as well as her powerpoint presentation are now on the Youth page on the NFLS website for you to download!


I have some extra "READ" pins leftover from the workshop. Any NFLS librarian who will help out with the theme this year is welcome to request one. First come-first served!

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